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Partial amendment of accommodation tax for Osaka Prefecture

According to the partial amendment of the accommodation tax for Osaka Prefecture, accommodation from June 1, 2019, accommodation fee of 7,000 yen or more per person per night will be taxed with accommodation tax accordingly.

Outline of an example of the accommodation tax after amendment

before amendment (current) will change after amendment (From June 1, 2019)
From accommodation fee (1 night per person) From accommodation fee (1 night per person)
 10,000 yen or more to less than 15,000 yen 100yen  7,000 yen or more to less than 15,000 yen 100yen
 15,000 yen or more to less than 20,000 yen 200yen  15,000 yen or more to less than 20,000 yen 200yen
 20,000 yen or more 300yen  20,000 yen or more 300yen


Please refer to the following website for details on the accommodation tax for Osaka Prefecture.

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