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The Jetstream Plan on the top floor of Kansai International Airport


<Jetstream Plan>
The Jetstream Plan on the top floor of Kansai International Airport can be used for welcome and farewell parties, and as it includes all-you-can-drink which makes things easier for the organizer!

  • メニュー

  • <Buffet Preparation>


    Seasonal cold dishes – seven kinds
    * We use only seasonal ingredients which have been 100% domestically produced.

    Seasonal warm dishes – eight kinds
    * Seasonal ingredients are extensively used, fused with Japanese taste.
    A variety of desserts


    <All-you-can-drink Menu>


    ・Bottled beer 
    ・Wine (red and white)
    ・Non-alcoholic beer 
    ・Soft drinks

Available time / Charge

6,000 yen per guest, must be more than 40 guests.
*Two hours between 11:30am and 21:30pm.

For an extra 500 yen per person we can prepare a champagne toast.

This plan applies to over 40 people


11th Floor, Jetstream

Kansai Airport Conference Halls


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