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  4. The Kansai Airport Conference Room Plan at Hotel Nikko Kansai airport

The Kansai Airport Conference Room Plan at Hotel Nikko Kansai airport

<The Kansai Airport Conference Room Plan>

We can offer a relaxed banquet for welcome parties and social gatherings with important guests at a convenient hotel in Kansai International Airport.


<A shuttle bus can be arranged.>
*Please contact us separately regarding this.

Available time / Charge

<A Plan>

7,800 yen per guest (Includes service fee, tax, and all-you-can-drink)


We will respond to your request regarding dishes/details.
Free Flow Drinks: beer/wine (red and white)/shochu (potato/wheat)/whisky/soft drinks
*Fee includes all taxes, service fees, stage, two microphones, room fee, food and drinks.


<B Plan>

9,800 yen per guest (Includes service fee, tax, and all-you-can-drink)


We will respond to your request regarding dishes/details.
Free Flow Drinks: beer/wine (red and white)/shochu (potato/wheat)/whisky/soft drinks
*Fee includes all taxes, service fees, stage, two microphones, room fee, food and drinks.


50-100 guests (Please contact us for less than 50 guests or more than a hundred.)


1F The Kansai Airport Conference Hall

Kansai Airport Conference Halls


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